CPC HGV & PSV Transport Managers
Support for Operators needing a Transport Manager for their Operator Licence
If you require a Transport Manager, or wish to to join our team of Transport Managers, call us now or visit our dedicated Find a Transport Manager website:

We can help you find a CPC Transport Manager for HGV & PSV
Through Find A Transport Manager, we can provide CPC qualified and experienced Transport Managers in your operating area.
We will ensure your organisation meets all of the necessary operator licence compliance standards required by the DVSA. It doesn’t matter if your OCRS is grey, green, amber or red, we can find an external Transport Manager to help you achieve compliance and security of your Operator Licence.
All of our Transport Managers are experienced and qualified, holding good repute with the DVSA throughout the UK & Europe.
External Transport Managers are available for part-time, freelance, or ad-hoc work depending on your requirement.
Benefits to you:
- We check that the Transport Manager is of good repute. Bad history with other operators can cause delays to an Operator Licence application.
- We check to see if the Transport Manager has had a two-day refresher course after having a CPC qualification after five years.
- We check to see if the Transport Manager has enough hours to support the operator who is applying for the licence—and any other operator licences they are already managing.
- We ensure they actually have a Transport Manager qualification and not a Driver CPC.